大大夶鱻 发表于 2009-1-12 02:41:01


Overview of all algorithms for the final layer,
to orient and permute cornersFor an explanation of the table below, click here.

http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c1.gif code: c1
FR'FR2U'R'U'RUR'F2 (11,13)
RU2R2F2D'F'DF'R2U2R' (11,16)
FF..BBhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c2.gif code: c2
F2R2FU'L'ULF'R2F2 (10,14)
B2L2BR'U'RUB'L2B2 (10,14)
FB..FBhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c3.gif code: c3
F'L2F'R2FL2F'R2F2 (9,14)
FF..LRhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c4.gif code: c4
R'URU2R'L'URU'L (10,11)
FRF'LFR2FRF2L' (10,12)
RL..FFhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c5.gif code: c5
FUF'U'F'LFL' (8,8)
R'F'RB'R'FRB (8,8)
FL..FRhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c6.gif code: c6
LFL'BLF'L'B' (8,8)
RF..LFhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c7.gif code: c7
L2FU'F'UFUF2L'FL' (11,13)
LU2L2BD'BDB2L2U2L' (11,16)
LR..FFhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c8.gif code: c8
LFUF'U'L' (6,6)
RUBU'B'R' (6,6)
FF..LRhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c9.gif code: c9
R2F2R'B2RF2R'B2R' (9,14)
FB..BFhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c10.gif code: c10
B'UFU'BU2RU'R'F' (10,11)
FF..BBhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c11.gif code: c11
R2D'RU2R'DRU2R (9,12)
FR..LFhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c12.gif code: c12
L2DL'U2LD'L'U2L' (9,12)
LF..FRhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c13.gif code: c13
RU2R'U'RUR'U'RU'R' (11,12)
L'FURU'F'L2FR'F'L' (11,12)
FBFB..http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c14.gif code: c14
B'UR2D'RU2R'DR2U'B (11,14)
FFBB..http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c15.gif code: c15
R'FRF'U2R2B'R'BR' (10,12)
LRFF..http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c16.gif code: c16
F'U'LF'L'F2UFR'F'R (11,12)
LFRF..http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c17.gif code: c17
BU2B2U'B2U'B2U2B (9,14)
LUFU'F'UFU'F'L' (10,10)
FFRL..http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c18.gif code: c18
F'U'FU'F'UL'ULF (10,10)
FUF'UFU'RU'R'F' (10,10)
RLFF..http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c19.gif code: c19
B'RB'R'B2U2L'BLB' (10,12)
FFBB..http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c20.gif code: c20
R'FRF'U'F2LFL'UF (11,12)
FBBF..http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c21.gif code: c21
B'U2BU2BL'B2U'BUL (11,14)
RFFL..http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c22.gif code: c22
BU2B'U2B'RB2UB'U'R' (11,14)
FLRF..http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c23.gif code: c23
LU2L'U'LU'L' (7,8)
RB2L'B'L B'R' (7,8)
RF..LFhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c24.gif code: c24
F'U'L'ULU'FU'F'U2F (11,12)
BU2B'RB'R'BU'BU'B' (11,12)
FR..FLhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c25.gif code: c25
B'UFU'BUF' (7,7)
RF..FLhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c26.gif code: c26
L'BLB'U2B'U2B (8,10)
FR..LFhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c27.gif code: c27
F'LU2L'FLF'U2FL' (10,12)
FB..FBhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c28.gif code: c28
FU2F'U2F'LFL' (8,10)
BF..FBhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c29.gif code: c29
BUB'UBU2B' (7,8)
L'B2RBR'BL (7,8)
FL..FRhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c30.gif code: c30
FURU'R'UF'UFU2F' (11,12)
FUF'UF'LFL'FU2F' (11,12)
LF..RFhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c31.gif code: c31
BU'F'UB'U'F (7,7)
FL..RFhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c32.gif code: c32
RB'R'BU2BU2B' (8,10)
LF..FRhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c33.gif code: c33
F'U2FU2FR'F'R (8,10)
FB..BFhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c34.gif code: c34
FR'U2RF'R'FU2F'R (10,12)
FB..FBhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c35.gif code: c35
LB'D2BL'U2LB'D2BL' (11,14)
.L.F...RBhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c36.gif code: c36
RU2R2FRF'RU2R' (9,12)
.L.F...LFhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c37.gif code: c37
BLFL'B'LF'L' (8,8)
.B.F...LFhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c38.gif code: c38
RU2RDR'U2RD'R2 (9,12)
.F.F...RBhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c39.gif code: c39
F'U2F'D'FU2F'DF2 (9,12)
.F.F...BLhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c40.gif code: c40
FR'F'RURU'R' (8,8)
L'B'R'BLB'RB (8,8)
.F.B...FRhttp://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c41.gif code: c41
F'LF'R2FL'F'R2F2 (9,12)
.http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_c42.gif code: c42
R2DL'BLD'R2U'F'U'F (11,13)

Using the algorithms in the table above, you can orient and permute all corners of the final layer in one algorithm.
The table works like this:
First take a look at the orientation of the corners.
[*]In the situations with code c1 to c6, there are two twisted corners, next to each other, and the corner which needs to be twisted clockwise is on the right.[*]In the situations with code c7 to c12, there are two twisted corners, next to each other, and the corner which needs to be twisted clockwise is on the left.[*]In the situations with code c13 to c16, there are four twisted corners, and the two corners which need to be twisted clockwise are not next to each other.
Note: Since these situations can be mirrored on the diagonal of the cube, you might need to turn the upper side a half turn to find your situation.[*]In the situations with code c17 to c22, there are four twisted corners, and the two corners which need to be twisted clockwise are next to each other.[*]In the situations with code c23 to c28, there are three twisted corners, and they need to be twisted counter-clockwise.[*]In the situations with code c29 to c34, there are three twisted corners, and they need to be twisted clockwise.[*]In the situations with code c35 to c40, there are two twisted corners, and they are not next to each other.[*]In the situations with code c41 and 42, there are no two twisted corners.
Next take a look at the position of the corners.
You can turn the top layer around to find out which corners have to change positions, according to the images.
But there is a better system, so that you do not need to turn the top layer, and can immediately see, which situation the cube is in.
It works like this:

At the right of the cells with the images you see four letters in a certain order. These letters correspond with the following cubies:
For the situations with code c13 to c22.http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_corner_system_row13.gif
For the situations with code c1 to c12, and c23 to c34.http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_corner_system_row_various.gif
For the situations with code c35 to c40.

If two of the designated cubies have the same color, their color becomes the front color (F). If there are two pairs of the same color, then the color of the upper left back is the front color.
Now you know which are the other colors of the cubies, they can be L(eft), R(ight) or B(ack).

Consider the following situation:
The corner at the upper left back needs to be twisted clockwise, and the corner at the upper right back needs to be twisted counter-clockwise.
This corresponds with the situations c7 to c12.
According to the three images above we need to take a look at the color of the cubies at the upper back (blue and blue) and front upper (orange and red).
Since there are two blue cubies, blue becomes the front color. So only situations c8 and c10 remain possible.
Since the other two cubies have different colors, the cube is in situation c8.
Thus we can orient and permute the corners, using the algorithm LFUF'U'L'.

Believe me: after some practice, you can immediately see which algorithm to use.

Good luck!

Overview of all algorithms for the final layer,
to orient and permute edgesFor an explanation of the table below, click here.

http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e1.gif code: e1
M2UM'U2MUMUMU2M'UM (13,16,24)
RU2R2D'U'F'UFDR2U'R'U' (13,16)
R'E'R2E2R'URE2R2ERU' (12,16,22)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e2.gif code: e2
MUMUMU2M'UM'UM'U2 (12,14,20)
L'RBU'LB'ULR'F'UL'FU' (14,14)
FEF2E2FU2F'E2F2E'F'U2 (12,18,24)
F2M'UM'U'F2UMUMU2 (11,14,18)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e3.gif code: e3
MU2M'U2MUM'U2MU2M'U' (12,16,22)
FU2F'UL'U'B'R'U2RU'BUL (14,16)
R2U2R'F2U2R2F'R2U2F2RU2R2U' (14,24)
F2MF2M2U'M2F2M'F2U (10,16,22)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e4.gif code: e4
M2UM2U2M2UM2 (7,12,20)
R'L'U2LRFBU2B'F' (10,12)
M2DS2D2S2DM2 (7,12,20)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e5.gif code: e5
MUM'UMUM'UMUM'U' (12,12,18)
L'U2LUFRU2R'U'F' (10,12)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e6.gif code: e6
MUM2U2MUMU2MU'M'U'M' (13,16,24)
LU'R'UF'L2U'LU'F'R'F2R2 (13,16)
FM'FUM2U2M2UF'MF' (11,14,20)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e7.gif code: e7
MU2MU2MUM'U2M'U2M'U' (12,16,22)
RBUB'R'F2BD'L'DB'F2 (12,14)
MUMFR'F'M2FRF'U' (11,12,16)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e8.gif code: e8
M2U'MU2M2U2MUM2 (9,14,22)
LR'D2U2LR'D'L2R2UB2F2 (12,18)
RB'R'BFR'B'FR'BRF2U (13,14)
M2DS2D'S'M2S (7,10,16)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e9.gif code: e9
MU'M2U2M'U'MU2MU'MU'M' (13,16,24)
FRUR'U'F2L'U'LUF (11,12)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e10.gif code: e10
MUM'UMU2M'U'MU'M'U2 (12,14,20)
LUF'U2R'F'RFUL'F'UF (13,14)
L2SU'S'UL2USUS'U2 (11,14,18)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e11.gif code: e11
MUM'U'MUM'UMU2M' (11,12,18)
L2U'LUL'F'L2U'L'UFU'L2 (13,16)
M'UMU'F2M'UMU'F2 (10,12,16)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e11a.gif code: e11a
M'U'MUM'U'MU'M'U2M (11,12,18)
R2UR'U'RFR2URU'F'UR2 (13,16)
M'U'MUF2M'U'MUF2 (10,12,16)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e12.gif code: e12
M'U'MU2M'U'M2UM'U2MUM' (13,16,24)
L'R'F'U2L2U2L2U2L2FLR (12,18)
F2MF2U'M2UB2MB2 (9,14,18)
F'B'RESRS'R2E'FB (11,12,16)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e13.gif code: e13
M2U'MU2M'U'M2 (7,10,16)
F2UM'U2MUF2 (7,10,12)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e14.gif code: e14
MUM'U2MUM' (7,8,12)
F'D2B2L'B2D2F2R'F' (9,14)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e15.gif code: e15
M'UMUM'UMU'M'U'MU' (12,12,18)
BRUR'FB'DR'D'F' (10,10)
SR'FRS'R'F'R (8,8,10)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e16.gif code: e16
U'MUMUM'U'MU'MUM (12,12,18)
F'D'L'DB'FL'ULB (10,10)
LF'L'S'LFL'S (8,8,10)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e17.gif code: e17
MU'M2U'M'U2MU'MU (10,12,18)
BDL'UL'U'L'UL2U'D'B'U (13,14)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e18.gif code: e18
M'U'MUMUMU'MU'M'UM2 (13,14,22)
B'U2B2UL'B'D'B2DLBU'B' (13,16)
M'U'F2M2U'MUF2UM2 (10,14,20)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e19.gif code: e19
M2UMU'M'U'M'UM'UM'U'M (13,14,22)
B'U'BRDB2D'B'R'UB2U2B' (13,16)
M2UF2UM'U'M2F2U'M (10,14,20)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e20.gif code: e20
M'UMUM'U2M'UM'UMUM'UM' (15,16,24)
BLB'F2ULULF'L2U'F2L' (13,16)
SUS2U'LULSL'U'L' (11,12,16)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e13a.gif code: e13a
M2UMU2M'UM2 (7,10,16)
F2U'M'U2MU'F2 (7,10,12)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e14a.gif code: e14a
MU'M'U2MU'M' (7,8,12)
FRF2D2B2LB2D2F (9,14)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e15a.gif code: e15a
M'U'MU'M'U'MUM'UMU (12,12,18)
B'L'U'LF'BD'LDF (10,10)
S'LF'L'SLFL' (8,8,10)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e16a.gif code: e16a
UMU'MU'M'UMUMU'M (12,12,18)
FDRD'BF'RU'R'B' (10,10)
R'FRSR'F'RS' (8,8,10)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e17a.gif code: e17a
MUM2UM'U2MUMU' (10,12,18)
U'BDUL2U'LULU'LD'B' (13,14)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e18a.gif code: e18a
M'UMU'MU'MUMUM'U'M2 (13,14,22)
BU2B2U'RBDB2D'R'B'UB (13,16)
M'UF2M2UMU'F2U'M2 (10,14,20)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e19a.gif code: e19a
M2U'MUM'UM'U'M'U'M'UM (13,14,22)
BUB'L'D'B2DBLU'B2U2B (13,16)
M2U'F2U'M'UM2F2UM (10,14,20)
http://www.speedcubing.com/images/tl_e20a.gif code: e20a
M'U'MU'M'U2M'U'M'U'MU'M'U'M' (15,16,24)
B'R'BF2U'R'U'R'FR2UF2R (13,16)
S'U'S2UR'U'R'S'RUR (11,12,16)

Using the algorithms in the table above, you can orient and permute all edges of the final layer in one algorithm.
The position and orientation of the corners will not be disturbed.
The images show the face of the final layer. The arrows tell which edges have to change position.
Edges with a light gray color have to be flipped.
A lot of the algorithms can be inverted or mirrored to achieve the same effect.

Each first algorithm only uses moves of the upper layer and the slice M.

Good luck!

[ 本帖最后由 大大夶鱻 于 2009-1-12 14:34 编辑 ]

Meissen 发表于 2009-1-12 03:07:09


魔葱 发表于 2009-1-12 11:26:34

额. ...怎么看不到图?

魔鱼儿 发表于 2009-1-12 11:31:22


大大夶鱻 发表于 2009-1-12 12:57:17

恩  确实图无法显示 有空修改下 只能先链接着看了

kexin_xiao 发表于 2009-1-12 16:21:12


弘傑 发表于 2009-1-17 18:40:16


35296 发表于 2009-2-12 09:30:55

这个要好好地看一看                            。

illxyxjw 发表于 2009-2-12 09:34:17



Sabola 发表于 2009-2-13 20:09:46

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