a few years ago Oskar came up with an excellent MOD for BermudaMinx - Bermuda Rhomdo
He changed the core and took the rest of the details from another puzzle! http://twistypuzzles.com/cgi-bin/puzzle.cgi?pkey=4705
so it's the second puzzle after Propello, which I first did in pCubes, but now I made a real !!!
I was inspired by their work and decided to contribute to the development of the idea:
I used the parts from LanLan Crazy Comet (Oskar puzzle), but I needed a central piece in the shape of a trapezoid and new core.
I did reverse engeniring for this puzzle - I completely restored the drawing (this is a very interesting and unusual work).
After that, I was able to make some new parts and a new core.
I printed the necessary parts on the 3D printer and used the parts from the puzzle from the market ;)