看到这个帖的新手也别去打听怎么买个rubik's diy kit了,那是3年前的事了。那时只有rubik's一个品牌,没有其他的专业魔方,现在国产很多魔方的品质都超越那时rubik's魔方了。作者: gan 时间: 2009-2-18 01:37:30
Ron van Bruchem 发送至 我
显示详细信息 06-3-19 回复
Hi Jiang Gan Yuan,
Thanks for your reply.
The Chinese cubers are very good!
It would be great to have an official Chinese competition.
Would you be able to organize that?
Do you have Stackmats?
Rubik's Studio cubes cannot easily be bought online.
But I do not like the quality of Studio cubes anymore. They pop a lot because they do not have arched centers.
The best cubes are Do It Yourself cubes from rubiks.com.
I will ask Rubiks.com which plans they have for selling cubes in China.
Have fun,作者: fanbinnet 时间: 2009-2-18 08:48:33
I will ask Rubiks.com which plans they have for selling cubes in China.