These records are amazing, I wish I had been at this competition. Just one little problem:
I greatly respect Haiyan Zhuang, I am not trying to offend him in any way. I think this world record is simply astounding. However, the WCA regulations state: 'During the full solve the judge must keep a sheet of paper or a similar object between the competitor's face and the puzzle, unless the puzzle is in a position where peeking at the puzzle is not possible.' (Rule B4c)
His judge had no item in between his face and the puzzle for the first 13 seconds of the solving portion. He most likely couldn't be peeking, and was in a position where it was impossible for him to see the puzzle. I am almost certain that this record is valid, I just thought I should bring this up. I think the WCA Board should be sure that this record is legal. Was it possible for him to have been peeking during the execution? If it was, the result is DNF.