I think if you use English is better, it's because the translation has a bit of grammar problems.作者: Cheng_943 时间: 2010-10-17 11:26:20
最好d39..作者: katsmom 时间: 2010-10-17 11:38:47
@#9: I can't winok, here it is in English:
NEVER NEVER NEVER use WD40 on a puzzle. The chemicals inside react badly
with the plastic. They make the plastic very brittle and easy to break.
It will damage your cubes.
We tried this back inthe 80's-90's. All we ended up with are lots of old
broken puzzles because of the WD40! yes, they help to make it turn better
in the short term, but in the long run WD40 destroys your cube! If you
like it, DON'T use it!作者: 浅草丸 时间: 2010-10-17 11:55:27