2x2x2 cube
Mean: 4.15
Standard deviation: 0.54
Best Time: 3.35
Worst Time: 5.29
Best average of 5: 3.81
2-6 - (3.35) 4.00 3.79 (4.29) 3.65
Best average of 12: 4.12
1-12 - 4.75 (3.35) 4.00 3.79 4.29 3.65 4.76 4.09 (5.29) 4.07 3.46 4.36
Mean: 7.33
Standard deviation: 0.79
Best Time: 6.09
Worst Time: 9.28
Best average of 5: 7.13
8-12 - 7.54 (6.76) (7.96) 6.90 6.95
Best average of 12: 7.26
1-12 - (6.09) 6.71 7.81 7.36 (9.28) 6.82 7.79 7.54 6.76 7.96 6.90 6.95
Rubik's cube
Mean: 11.55
Standard deviation: 1.08
Best Time: 9.51
Worst Time: 13.96
Best average of 5: 11.26
3-7 - 11.18 (9.98) 11.61 (12.29) 11.00
Best average of 12: 11.51
1-12 - 11.57 12.35 11.18 9.98 11.61 12.29 11.00 (13.96) 11.78 (9.51) 11.73 11.68
Rubik's cube one-handed
Mean: 22.67
Standard deviation: 2.78
Best Time: 16.93
Worst Time: 26.56
Best average of 5: 20.54
3-7 - (16.93) (24.37) 17.62 22.01 22.01
Best average of 12: 22.86
1-12 - 23.26 (26.56) (16.93) 24.37 17.62 22.01 22.01 24.73 22.57 25.12 24.90 22.03
4x4x4 cube
Mean: 53.18
Standard deviation: 4.91
Best Time: 41.23
Worst Time: 62.51
Best average of 5: 51.51
7-11 - 52.04 53.93 (41.23) (55.03) 48.57
Best average of 12: 53.44
1-12 - 53.03 51.00 54.21 52.92 (62.51) 57.03 52.04 53.93 (41.23) 55.03 48.57 56.68
5x5x5 cube
Mean: 109.19
Standard deviation: 7.09
Best Time: 100.36
Worst Time: 121.28
Best average of 5: 108.10
1-5 - 111.92 (100.36) 107.28 (121.28) 105.11