A working version of the two-phase-algorithm is not too easy to program. For demonstration purposes I wrote a Java package which implements the two-phase-algorithm in its simplest form without any symmetry reductions.
The package org.kociemba.twophase, the sourcecode and the corresponding javadocs are included in the file twophase.jar . The little Java program GUI_example.jar (Version 2009.02.16), which is an executable jar file shows an example how to use the package.
The tables in this implementation take only about 5 MB and are generated within seconds. Nevertheless the package routine solved about 26000 random cubes/hour if the maximum maneuver length was set to 21 moves and about 800 random cubes/hour if it was set to 20 moves maximum length.
You may use this package for free but you must include an appropriate credit line.
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