2、输入步法。(右边顺时针就输R1,面由 右=R;左=L;上=U;下=D;前=F;后=B,顺时针=1;180度=2;逆时针=3,步法间不用空格)
[此贴子已经被cube_master于6/24/2004 12:52:25 PM编辑过]
还是有点问题,就是 lrubik.class 对 “左前右后” 的定义跟图形上看过去有点别扭。
其实可以不用拷贝 HTML 代码,直接拷贝 JAVA图形,贴到 Design 窗口就可以。
Example 1 | No parameters are set. |
Example 2 | All parameters are explicitly set to their default values. |
Example 3 | Demonstrates the backgroundColor parameter. |
Example 4 | Demonstrates the alpha and beta parameters. |
Example 5 | Demonstrates the colorTable parameter. |
Example 6 | Demonstrates the colorTable and faces parameters. |
Example 7 | Demonstrates the stickers parameter. |
Example 8 | Demonstrates the scriptLanguage , script and displayLines parameters. |
Example 9 | This example uses all parameters together to show a maneuver, which moves an edge into its right position. |
Example 10 | Demonstrates the lightSourcePosition parameter. |
Example 11 | Demonstrates the ambientLightIntensity and lightSourceIntensity parameters. |
Example 12 | Demonstrates the backgroundImage parameter. |
Example 13 | Demonstrates the use of disjoint cycle permutations using the Bandelow ENG notation. |
Example 14 | Demonstrates the use of Slice-Twists using the Superset ENG notation. |
Example 15 | Demonstrates the use of Two-Layer Twists using the Superset ENG notation. |
Example 16 | Demonstrates the difference between a Generator and a Solver script. (Use of the scriptType parameter). |
Example 17 | Demonstrates the use of the initScript parameter. |
Example 18 | Demonstrates the use of named colorTable values. |
[em12][em12][em12][em12][em12][em12][em12][em12][em12]由于有十个人将会很快拿到 4阶的魔方。我争取做一个四阶的版本,供大家讨论时使用。
<APPLET codebase=http://www.rubiks.cn/java code=lrubik.class height=145 width=125 >
<ARAM NAME="pos" VALUE="bbbbbbbbbcccccccccddddddddddaaaaaaaaafffffffffccccccccc">
ARAM NAME="move" VALUE="F2f2F2L2l2L2">
两个红面[此贴子已经被老猫于4/24/2004 10:45:14 AM编辑过]
F2L A0 左2 上2 前- 左2 前+ 上2 左+ 上- 左+
[此贴子已经被作者于4/24/2004 10:36:10 AM编辑过]
原帖由 <I>小波波</I> 于 2007-11-17 18:03 发表 <A href="http://bbs.mf8-china.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=59530&ptid=90" target=_blank><IMG alt="" src="http://bbs.mf8-china.com/images/common/back.gif" border=0></A> try RRRR
欢迎光临 魔方吧·中文魔方俱乐部 (http://bbs.mf8-china.com/) | Powered by Discuz! X2 |