
标题: 国外对知识产权的认识~明显比国内强! [打印本页]

作者: harrymah    时间: 2009-7-7 00:04:38     标题: 国外对知识产权的认识~明显比国内强!

Hi to everyone again!

I am just trying to raise the awareness to all people in Singapore regarding the distribution of fake puzzles.
When a new company starts, their backbone is their own puzzles. However, many other illegal companies
copy those puzzles causing irreversible damages to the start up process of the original designer's company.

Sadly, we have already found many cases where illegal copies are distributed in Singapore (for example, at the BookFair),
and those cases are being dealt with the law. However, there are more cases which we have not found yet, because the
problem is still there. If there is demand of fake products, there will be supply.

Please do not buy such fake products, because it is like encouraging criminals to continue selling them, and at the same time
sending the original company to its doom. The original companies will not be able to continue producing exciting puzzles in future.

If you know of anyone selling illegal copies of V-Cubes or Cubedrons, please let us know by private message or email.
This problem is so big, that this October there will be even tougher worldwide laws to protect patents, copyrights,
and trademarks. The good thing, is that we know how to track the illegal copies easily. For example if someone at a
7x7x7 competition uses a fake V-Cube, it will be easy for us to find out. Disqualification of the competition will be the least
problem for the owner of that fake cube, because the issue is very complex.

I know there are many young people who are the future of Singapore in this forum, and I know that many of you have
very good ethics and excellent characters. I hope and wish you can help us battle those who endanger original products.
And in our case (MindStrat Puzzles) if anyone copies our products, also damages the Singapore economy. All our production,
design, testing, packaging, and manufacturing is based in Singapore, where we have already created many factory jobs
(and if we do well, we will create even more).

Now you may all ask a question, how do I know a product is fake? Well, the packaging usually tells the story. A V-Cube should
state V-Cube on the package instead of another name. But there is more differences on the cubes themselves. Most illegal copies
originate from China, a place where both V-Cubes and the Cubedron have patent protection. Some criminals may say they have
a "local" patent. Those "local" patents are not recognised by PCT, and this is why the new October laws are going to eliminate them.
I personally have many friends from mainland China for decades, and I know about the cultural differences between east and west.
But the existing patent laws have been around for almost 30 years, and at some point, chinese factories should either respect those
laws, or to stop trading with overseas companies. Culture cannot be used any more as an excuse for stealing. And those factory owners
are in fact showing a big direspect to their own people and the thousands year old history of China, which had so many inventions, not copies.

The criminals are only here for the money, but we are here because we have a very big plan: To make Singapore as one of the biggest
(and why not, the biggest!) puzzle hubs in the world. Please help us with this mission. We have also been making some nice starting
talks to at least three Singapore Government branches for some more support, and they seem very keen to help our cause.
I believe my experience, connections, knowledge, could be of critical help to all this. I will help, I am already doing my part in many levels,
but if you can, please help this cause too.

Sorry for the long message, but this is a very serious matter that you should all know about and be aware of.



Now you may all ask a question, how do I know a product is fake? Well, the packaging usually tells the story. A V-Cube should
state V-Cube on the package instead of another name. But there is more differences on the cubes themselves. Most illegal copies
originate from China, a place where both V-Cubes and the Cubedron have patent protection. Some criminals may say they have
a "local" patent. Those "local" patents are not recognised by PCT, and this is why the new October laws are going to eliminate them.
I personally have many friends from mainland China for decades, and I know about the cultural differences between east and west.
But the existing patent laws have been around for almost 30 years, and at some point, chinese factories should either respect those
laws, or to stop trading with overseas companies. Culture cannot be used any more as an excuse for stealing. And those factory owners
are in fact showing a big direspect to their own people and the thousands year old history of China, which had so many inventions, not copies.


[ 本帖最后由 harrymah 于 2009-7-7 00:05 编辑 ]
作者: 我是淳淳    时间: 2009-7-7 00:10:45

作者: 357433865    时间: 2009-7-7 00:13:55

作者: harrymah    时间: 2009-7-7 00:14:06

作者: 时空    时间: 2009-7-7 00:15:56

作者: harrymah    时间: 2009-7-7 00:20:08

作者: 我是淳淳    时间: 2009-7-7 00:26:59

原帖由 harrymah 于 2009-7-7 00:14 发表

现在的设计虽然理念超强性能和手感也更好了一点,但是还不能算是登峰造极。 未来一年到两年肯定会出能让世界惊叹的设计,其实我已经有构思了。。
作者: Ricky.C    时间: 2009-7-7 00:30:55

作者: 小小猫    时间: 2009-7-7 00:50:33

作者: 06154    时间: 2009-7-7 01:03:30

作者: 我是淳淳    时间: 2009-7-7 01:27:14

原帖由 CTS 于 2009-7-7 00:30 发表









[ 本帖最后由 我是淳淳 于 2009-7-7 01:37 编辑 ]
作者: 狒狒    时间: 2009-7-7 08:17:22

原帖由 我是淳淳 于 2009-7-7 00:10 发表

作者: 四川绵阳    时间: 2009-7-7 09:02:30

就只有最后一段有意义   前面的都看不懂  就一个初中水平 英语还不过关
作者: Ricky.C    时间: 2009-7-7 11:23:02

原帖由 我是淳淳 于 2009-7-7 01:27 发表

现在的很多企业创始者都是成长在那个动荡的年代,我们祖国的这辈人大多是没办法接受 ...





作者: zhang197695    时间: 2009-7-7 14:31:11

作者: sokoban    时间: 2009-7-7 14:41:39

楼主转的是 Pantazis 的发言。Pantazis不算普通魔友了,他是希腊人,在新加坡呆过,目前好像在澳大利亚定居。他最近生产了一种智力玩具 Cubedron。从他希腊人和商家的双重身份,他当然是支持 V-cube (也是希腊人发明生产)的。此人言论过于偏激,常在 TP 论坛上抹黑中国。
作者: 菲儿wu    时间: 2009-7-7 14:53:58

作者: harrymah    时间: 2009-7-7 14:58:28

原帖由 sokoban 于 2009-7-7 14:41 发表
楼主转的是 Pantazis 的发言。Pantazis不算普通魔友了,他是希腊人,在新加坡呆过,目前好像在澳大利亚定居。他最近生产了一种智力玩具 Cubedron。从他希腊人和商家的双重身份,他当然是支持 V-cube (也是希腊人发明 ...

作者: ZJY    时间: 2009-7-7 15:59:11


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