Find an edge piece that is not in the first face but does belong there. Without disturbing the first face, Move the piece to the location opposite where it belongs, and insert it using one of the move sequences below.
The last three edges can be put into their correct locations with a single move. Two edges might need to be turned upside down, which is done with the following move sequence.
5. Face centres
Finally, the face centres can be solved using the move sequence below three times. It swaps two pairs of centres. They cannot be in any other arrangement unless the puzzle has been taken apart and put together incorrectly.
最后,中心块可以通过下面的步骤循环三次而达到交换中心的效果。(要注意)这是两对中心的互换效果。这个步骤不能解决非两对中心互换的情况——除非该魔方被拆散后又被错误地安装过。 image027.jpg (14.87 KB)
2010-7-14 06:28