唉……无聊了……研究着在学校办一个 魔方兴趣小组 吧……写了一个proposal……就差不多那个意思吧……内容如下:
Organising Plan
RE: Rubik’s Cube Interest Group(RBIG) 1. Purposes
To provide a platform for students with interest in Rubik’sCube to gather and further develop each other’s potential.
To encourage students to pick up interest in playing Rubik’sCube.
To encourage interactions and bonding among students.
2. Advantages
- Solving Rubik’s Cube can develop student’s logical reasoning ability, spatial visualization ability and manipulative ability which helps in studying of math and sciences. As such, it is also highly recommended by various educators.
- Solving the cube can also provide the fun that relieves students from the stress they face in studies and JC life.
- Picking up Rubik’s Cube as a hobby can keep students away from being addicted to computer games or Facebook and many other negative distractions.
- Having a Rubik’s Cube Interest Group can also ensure that all students who have this hobby do not get addicted by checking on each other and providing help when necessary.
- Building a community based on a common interest can be a healthy manner of encouraging students to challenge themselves and build friendships that are long lasting.
3. Organising Plan
3.1 General
- Publicity for interested students will first take place on Week 2. Students may sign up according to their level of proficiencies. Publicity will be ongoing for 5 weeks.
- The first 3 weeks will be spent on tutoring each other on the basic methods and rules. The experienced players will tutor the inexperienced players. The ratio of tutor: tutee will always be less than 1:5 as there are explanation can get quite complicated.
- The Core Syllabus of the RBIG Tuition Programme:
- Basic 3x3 Cube Solving Methods
- Intermediate & Advanced 3x3 Cube Solving Methods: to improve efficiency and speed of solving.
- Various styles of solving 3x3 Cube, such as one-handed and blindfolded solving
- Methods of solving various types of cubes, including by not limited to: 2by2, 4by4, 5by5, pyraminx, megaminx and etc.
- Official competition rules.
- The experience of the first 3 weeks will be used to plan the running of the interest group for the remaining weeks as it is difficult to estimate the level of proficiencies of the people and number of people interested to join.
- For Week 2 & 3 onwards, RBIG should gather to study at least 2 hours per week (or in proportion to half the amount of time spent on Rubik’s Cube activities). This is to ensure that students do not neglect their studies as a result of the new hobby.
- Individual high scores and average solving scores will be recorded. Rewards will be given accordingly.
3.2 Timeline
Preparation Timeline:
| Tasks
| In Charge
| Remarks
| 30/05/2011 – 26/06/2011
| First draft Proposal | Yi Chen
| Redrafting of Proposals | Ji En
| Slides for Tutoring of Rubik’s Cube | Kai Jun; Yi Chen
| 04/07/2011 – 08/07/2011
| Publicity for RBIG starts |
| First Lesson for RBIG | Yi Chen
| Week 3 – 4
| 4 Tutorials for New Players | Yi Chen
| Study Group Starts | Study Group IC
3.4 Publicity
- Publicity will be done through posters designed by Enrichment Club members from 04/07/2011 till the end of Week 5. Videos can be made if necessary.
- Most publicity may be done through word of mouth.
- As this is an Interest Group, a group funding would be set up to prepare teaching notes, food and snacks and etc. Enrichment Club Treasurer will be handling the funds.
- If RBIG progresses well, a competition may be held. The competition can then propose to use SMC funds for the purchase of gifts.