Puzzle News as of April 5. 2009 – Tony Fisher's Golden Egg Easter Special is now available!
Hi All!
A very limited special production run of the Tony Fischer's concept Golden Egg Easter Special is now available
in Gold, Silver, Silver/Gold (with high gloss electoplating) and White body. Each egg has its own gold or silver
stand-ring. The rest of this Special very beautiful Easter collection Blue, Red, Green and Yellow will be available
around the 15th. Of April, to place your order go to the Meffert's Puzzles page in our shoppingcart, or direct to:
These very Limited Edition Golden Eggs make the perfect Easter gift and will not be reproduced. Orders placed
will be honored on a first received basis until stocks run out. For any items oversold an immidiate full refund will
be made. The Golden Egg, conceived by Tony Fisher uses a full sized Skewb cube ballbearing mechanism the
same as his Golden Cube. |