This framed photo set has six different photos mounted on 9 quality rubiks cubes in a handmade wooden frame. It has picture frame mounts on the back so it can be hung on the wall. Any of the six photos can be facing out. The Rubiks cubes are in perfect working order but I have not dared to mix one up.
You can buy the displayed set and get immediate delivery. Or, send me your own digital photos and I will create a new set specifically for you. A made to order design will take 2-3 weeks from the time that the photos are proofed and returned to me.
The price seems high until you realize that the cubes cost $90 alone. The frame took about 40 hours of work (I am not a carpenter). There are around 500 stickers to remove from the cubes. And, there are around 500 tiny pictures to design, print, cutout and place. It takes some time. Remember that it is handmade and not absolutely perfect.
This would make a great wedding gift with pictures from the wedding. It would make a great baby gift showing photos of mom, dad, grandma etc. It would make an excellent gift for a rubiks cube enthusiast. You can even scramble it before you give it to them. It would also make a great way to remember someone who has passed. Or just enjoy it as art should be.
To date, this is the only set I have ever done. It may be the only set that I ever do. It is using my own photos. One of the photos is of my dad, one is an old man from Mexico, and another is nine girls from Honduras. There is also a photo of a hut that was taken in Mexico two years ago. The last is a path in some woods that I mentally wander down at times. The last is some Morning Glories that grew in my backyard. I can give more details if you request them. I hope you love unique art as well as