原网址 http://yu8484.hp.infoseek.co.jp/c_cross.html
这里的 贴色方案,四侧面顺时针为 “ 红黄橙绿” CROSS (middle chapter) The next reading the crossing procedure when becoming accustomed to the crossing making becomes important. It is inspection time of 15 seconds in the speed cube. (time for you may see cube beforehand) However, because is kicked, the crossing procedure will be read between those. In that case, to importance an individual pattern to which one two edges are arranged. Some patterns that I am using well are put, and look at the reference level, please. There are actually patterns various as it is not possible to cover it at all by this extent. Moreover, there is a symmetric pattern, too and practice, please
Being able to read the crossing procedure completely becomes not few when becoming accustomed. There is often ..fate.. what said leaving, too. It is the best when even F2L#1 can be read, and there is rarely what can be read there for me in reality. It devotes oneself and the crossing reading is trained in a short time because it doesn't live.
W表示 :W之前的字母代表的方向上双层一起转。相当于另一表示法的小写字母,如图
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-6 15:56:27编辑过]