比赛介绍: 我们将在今年的最后一个周日(12.30)在广州进行一次最少步比赛。 地点还是广为熟知的广州南武中学一楼多媒体教室,项目包括有十二片魔板、金字塔和三阶最少步,均比一轮。其中十二板和金字塔是五次取平均,最少步是两次取最快。 赛程安排如下:
Master Magic
3x3 Fewest Moves- 第一次
3x3 Fewest Moves- 第二次
Article E: Fewest Moves Solving 附则E 最小步数还原E1) | Regulations are as described in Article A (Speed Solving).
Additional/special regulations for Fewest Moves Solving are described below.规则见附则 A(速拧)。最小步数的附加/特殊规则如下所述:
- E1a) The maximum length of a solution is 80 (moves and rotations). 解法的最大长度为80步(步数和旋转);
| E2) | Procedure for Fewest Moves Solving: 最小步数还原的程序:- E2a) The judge hands a scramble sequence to all competitors with a print of the scramble position. The judge starts the stopwatch and says 'Go'.裁判把一个打乱算法和一个打印出的打乱状态交给所有参赛者,裁判启动秒表并说“开始”;
- E2b) The competitor has 60 minutes total time for solving the scramble in as few moves as possible.参赛者有 60分钟的时间以尽可能少的步数还原这个打乱算法;
- E2b1) A judge should announce the remaining time after 30 minutes, 50 minutes, 55 minutes and 59 minutes, and 'Stop' at 60 minutes.
裁判应该在 30分钟,50 分钟,55分钟和59时提示时间,并且在60分钟到达时宣布“停”; - E2c) At the end of the 60 minutes the competitor must have his solution written down clearly for the judge, notation according to Article 12. Penalty: disqualification of the solve.在 60分钟到达时,参赛者必须确保已经把他的解法用符号清晰的表示完成并交给裁判,60分钟到达之后,不允许再写任何字符。符号写法参考第十二章,违规将被取消本次还原的资格;
- E2d) The metric to measure the length of the solution, is Half Turn Metric.衡量解法长度的步数单位参见半转规则;
- E2e) The solution of the competitor must not be in any way related to the scrambling algorithm. Penalty: disqualification of the solve.参赛者的解法不能和打乱算法有任何的关联,违规将被取消本次还原的资格;
- E2f) The competitor must be able to give a clear explanation of the solution.当被要求时,参赛者必须能够清楚的说明他的解法思路;
| E3) | The competitor may use the following objects: paper and pen (both supplied by judge), 3 cubes (self supplied), unlimited coloured stickers (self supplied). 参赛者可以使用以下物品纸和笔(均由裁判提供)、三个魔方(自备)、不限颜色的贴纸(自备);- E3a) Penalty for using other objects: disqualification of the solve.如果使用其他物品,将被取消本次还原的资格。
Article 12: Notation 第十二章 符号标记方法12a) | Notation for Rubik's Cube and similar puzzles:三阶魔方及类似正六面体魔方:
Face Moves:表层转动:
- 12a1) Clockwise, 90 degrees: F (front face), B (back face), R (right face), L (left face), U (upper face), D (bottom face).顺时针 90度: F(前), B(后), R (右), L (左), U (上), D (下);
- 12a2) Counter clockwise, 90 degrees:F', B', R', L', U', D' (see 12a1).逆时针 90度: F', B', R', L', U', D' (见 12a1);
- 12a3) Clockwise, 180 degrees:F2, B2, R2, L2, U2, D2 (see 12a1).顺时针 180度: F2, B2, R2, L2, U2, D2(见 12a1);
- 12a4) Counter clockwise, 180 degrees:F2', B2', R2', L2', U2', D2' (see 12a1).逆时针 180度: F2', B2', R2', L2', U2', D2' (见 12a1);
- Middle Slice Moves (middle slice of puzzles with odd number of slices, middle two slices of puzzles with even number of slices):中层转动 (奇阶魔方的中层,偶阶魔方的中间层);
- 12a13) Clockwise, 90 degrees: M (same direction as L), S (same direction as F), E (same direction as D). (see 12a1).顺时针 90度:M(和 L相同方向 ), S (和 F相同方向), E(和 D相同方向),(见 12a1);
- 12a14) Counter clockwise, 90 degrees: M', S', E' (see 12a13).逆时针 90度: M', S', E' (见 12a13);
- 12a15) Clockwise, 180 degrees: M2, S2, E2 (see 12a13).顺时针 180度: M2, S2, E2 (见 12a13);
- 12a16) Counter clockwise, 180 degrees: M2', S2', E2' (see 12a13).逆时针 180度: M'2, S'2, E'2 (见 12a13);
12b) | Rotations for all cube shaped puzzles:所有正六面体魔方的整体转动:
- 12b1) Clockwise, 90 degrees: [f] or z, or z', [r] or x, [l] or x', or y, [d] or y'. (see 12a1).顺时针 90度: [f]或 z, 或 z', [r]或 x', [l]或 x, 或 y, [d]或 y'. (见 12a1);
- 12b2) Counter clockwise, 90 degrees: [f'] or z', [b'] or z, [r'] or x', [l'] or x, [u'] or y', [d'] or y (see 12b1).逆时针 90度:[f']或 z', [b']或 z, [r']或 x, [l']或 x', [u']或 y', [d']或 y(见 12b1);
- 12b3) Clockwise, 180 degrees: [f2] or z2, [b2] or z2, [r2] or x2, [l2] or x2, [u2] or y2, [d2] or y2 (see 12b1).顺时针 180度:[f2]或 z2, [b2]或 z2, [r2]或 x2, [l2]或 x2, [u2]或 y2, [d2]或 y2 (见 12b1);
- 12b4) Counter clockwise, 180 degrees: [f2'] or z2', [b2'] or z2', [r2'] or x2', [l2'] or x2', [u2'] or y2', [d2'] or y2' (see 12b1).逆时针 180度:[f'2]或 z'2, [b'2]或 z'2, [r'2]或 x'2, [l'2]或 x'2, [u'2]或 y'2, [d'2]或 y'2 (见 12b1);
| Half Turn Metric (HTM) is defined as: 半转规则定义为:- 12a17) Each move of the categories Face Moves and Double Outer Slice Moves is counted as 1 move.表面 N层转动算做一步;
- 12a18) Each move of the categories Inner Slice Moves and Middle Slice Moves is counted as 2 moves.中间 N层转动计做两步;
- 12a19) Each rotation is counted as 0 moves.整体转动不计步数;