rocksiu1998 发表于 2011-11-18 21:02:07


最近学校有个演讲比赛,英文的,我老师一直强调选你喜欢的东西来写。。。所以我就写了魔方。。。演讲还挺成功的;P 这是稿子。。。讲了5分钟,全班最长。。。。。好尴尬;P
Rubik’s cubeToday,I’m going to talk about Rubik’s cube, I think all of you know what is a Rubik’s cube, but I’ll just say it just incase you don’t.Rubik’s cube is a cube, with a different color on each face, each face have 9 box, and when you twist the cube around, the cube will be scramble,with different color on each face. I think you know how hard it is, but it’s actually not that hard.
First, I’ll talk about the history of Rubik’s cube, The Rubik’s cube was invented in 1974, by a hungarian guy named Erno Rubik, he is a professor on how to build stuff, and also a guy that makes scupture. He did not invented it to became a toy, he invented to show his student about structures and 3d stuff, but later, he found out that it’s really hard to get it fix after twisting it,and he think this will be a good toy and so he lets a company to make it and sell it, and people got crazy on it. It was most popular on the 80s. between 1980 to 1982, almost 2millon cubes were sold, and till now more than 300million cubes were sold.
Next, I’ll talk about different kinds of cube. Cube is not just about 3x3x3,3x3x3means the most popular one,it mean it is 3block x 3block x 3block. There are 4x4x4, 5x5x5,6x6x6…….with the highest of 11x11x11, but one thing interesting is that even though there are 11x11x11, there are no 10x10x10,8x8x8, because cube that are even number x even number, it is harder to make it, it is harder to design a structure of a even number cube, that why the odd number cubes always come out earlier than the even number ones. Cubes don’t have to be a shape of a cube, you see the normal cube have 6side,but some, it have 12side, with each face a shape of a pentagon. There are also cubes that looks like a soccer, I think you know aboout normal soccer, it is a pentagon in the middle,and there are 5 hexagon sticking to each side of the pentagon, and that cube really look’s like a soccer, except it’s colorful. Ofcorse, this is only a very very small part of all different kind of cubes.
There are one thing that I think the cube is cool about,a normal 3x3have a lot and a lot of form, what is a form?well,for a fixed cube, it is one form,if you turn it on one side,that’s another form, and if turn again on a other side, and it’s another form, if you just randomly scramble a cube, it will also be one form.And this number is huge, I don’t know how to say it, I’m going to say it in number, it is
Lastly I’m going to talk about why I think it is fun to play rubik’s cube, first, it uses your brain,it is actually not that hard to fix a cube, go on the internet and there will be a lot of videos telling you how to solve a rubik’s cube, second, it is small and you can take it out and play at any time. Lastly you are just going to love it when you can fix it fast, you will love the feeling everytime you break your record, you are just going to love everything about it!so, get a cube and start playing!

mrmnm 发表于 2011-11-18 21:08:14

寫得很好啊~~ 很不錯~~
就是不明白第一段怎么說魔方很硬, 但其實不硬呢??

rocksiu1998 发表于 2011-11-18 21:13:30

原帖由 mrmnm 于 2011-11-18 21:08 发表
寫得很好啊~~ 很不錯~~
就是不明白第一段怎么說魔方很硬, 但其實不硬呢??
hard是多义词,hard可以是硬的意思,也能说是难的意思,比如说this rock is very hard就是说 这块石头很硬 ,如果说this game is very hard 就是 这个游戏很难 的意思

I think you know how hard it is, but it’s actually not that hard.

[ 本帖最后由 rocksiu1998 于 2011-11-18 21:15 编辑 ]

s1092124482s 发表于 2011-11-18 21:15:51


狂奔的篮球 发表于 2011-11-18 21:18:26

不错不错    这么长  脱稿?

焚寂 发表于 2011-11-18 21:24:24


rocksiu1998 发表于 2011-11-18 21:24:46

原帖由 狂奔的篮球 于 2011-11-18 21:18 发表
不错不错    这么长  脱稿? 我的老师说,你要是喜欢这个话题,你就可以任何时候就在那边讲,他强烈说不要我们背,这份稿和我要说的东西一样,但是说的时候不用背,因为我知道这些“知识”可以直接说,讲的时候就是拿着小卡片,上面写着要说的东西比如


冷帝 发表于 2011-11-18 21:25:57


rocksiu1998 发表于 2011-11-18 21:26:06

原帖由 q408196528 于 2011-11-18 21:24 发表


[ 本帖最后由 rocksiu1998 于 2011-11-18 21:27 编辑 ]

潜水艇 发表于 2011-11-18 21:35:15

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