
热搜: 魔方


『 入门篇 』
★ 有问有答 (Question and Answer)
★ 入门资料 (Beginner Subjects)
『 竞技篇 』
★ 线上竞赛区 (Online Competitions)
★ CFOP专区 (CFOP/Fridrich Method)
★ 桥式专区 (Roux Method)
★ 其他速解法 (Other Methods)
★ 单手与脚拧 (One Handed and Feet Solving)
★ 盲拧专区 (Blindfolded Solving)
★ 高阶专题 (Big Cubes)
★ SQ1 (Square 1)
★ 五魔方 (Megaminx)
★ 最少步还原 (Fewest Moves Solving)
★ 其他技术类 (Other Techniques)
『 情感篇 』
★ 收藏交流与展示 (Buying and Collecting)
★ 魔方中的艺术 (Cube Art)
★ 以魔会友 (Cubes 'n' Friends)
★ 魔界文化 (Cubing Culture)
『 构造篇 』
★ DIY魔方与MOD改造 (Custom Cube Modification)
★ 魔方拆解与新品评测 (Cube Reviews)
★ 安装、打磨、调试、润滑 (Adjust, Break-In and Lube)
★ 魔方设计技术探讨 (Puzzle Design)
『 理论篇 』
★ 魔方理论 (Cube Theory)
★ N阶正方体魔方变换理论区 (Core Puzzle Theory)
★ 计算机最少步理论版 (Software Solver Theory)
『 资讯篇 』
★ 比赛专区 (Competitions)
★ 新品发布区 (New Product Announcements)
『 资源篇 』
★ 录像区 (Videos)
★ 程序区 (Software)
『 其它智力游戏 』
★ 数学、算术趣题 (Math Puzzles)
★巧环巧扣、拼锁拆锁难题 (Burrs and Cast Puzzles)
★ 巧板巧块、滑块链块难题 (Sliding Block Puzzles)
★ 推箱子 (Sokoban)
『 综合讨论 』
★ 相关书籍 (Book: Special Topic)
★ 医疗服务区 (Health and Wellness)
★ 闲聊区 (Off-Topic Discussion)
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
唯稜正四面體 attachment  ...2 kwsjack 2011-1-28 1871672 tengda 2017-4-25 10:27:38
我的原创作品【D&A Hexagonal Prism】 attachment digest agree  ...23 ☆DDR☆ 2010-10-9 29398469 魔亦能成佛 2017-4-13 03:43:15
棉花糖方塊 (附教學 attachment agree  ...23 趴趴 2012-2-24 267068 魔亦能成佛 2017-4-11 18:12:07
【Grake】五边形Pentagon331 agree  ...2 Grake_Pch 2017-4-3 136567 魔亦能成佛 2017-4-11 14:26:06
一个二阶球,米球,一楼实物图及视频 attach_img agree  ...2 七夜 2017-2-23 166835 100光年 2017-3-28 17:18:43
TER's tricylinder v.5 attach_img teralex 2017-2-20 22757 teralex 2017-3-27 08:42:56
grigorusha Slim Gigaminx attach_img agree  ...234 grigr 2014-5-9 3211780 滄龍 2017-3-12 22:46:17
Tencylinder Megaminx attach_img agree  ...2 teralex 2017-2-20 145813 teralex 2017-2-25 02:52:59
TER's Puzzles series inward attach_img agree teralex 2017-2-20 33217 zhangrang 2017-2-22 19:37:41
Tencylinder Megaminx attach_img agree teralex 2017-2-20 53140 xwfh2000 2017-2-21 22:40:23
TER's puzzles series inward attach_img agree teralex 2017-2-20 02585 teralex 2017-2-20 06:35:11
TER's sixcylinder Megaminx attach_img agree teralex 2017-2-16 32933 L08 2017-2-20 00:08:22
TER's sixcone attach_img agree teralex 2017-2-17 43003 teralex 2017-2-19 23:29:21
TER's 27ball attach_img agree teralex 2017-2-19 22707 zyytlzlb 2017-2-19 20:37:17
TER's fourcone attach_img agree teralex 2017-2-17 12525 ian_wood 2017-2-18 22:45:30
TER's eightball attach_img agree teralex 2017-2-17 02376 teralex 2017-2-17 23:40:03
TER's fourcylinder agree teralex 2017-2-15 53824 ian_wood 2017-2-16 23:18:37
TER's cube 3*3*3 stickers mod agree teralex 2017-2-15 74313 ian_wood 2017-2-16 23:14:49
窗花 II attach_img agree  ...23 cube_master 2017-2-5 249165 100光年 2017-2-11 22:18:36
Cubominx Puzzle attachment agree  ...2 kwsjack 2011-1-30 1999867 ian_wood 2017-2-11 14:33:06
八面体魔方 attach_img  ...23 天亮 2013-6-15 277560 222222 2017-2-10 18:30:16
世界上还有这种魔方 attachment  ...23 xqq 2008-1-27 21121419 滄龍 2017-2-10 14:34:18
【Chameleon Cube】变色龙魔方 attachment agree  ...234 ☆DDR☆ 2010-10-31 36328008 100光年 2017-2-10 13:23:46
Illusion Cube attachment agree  ...23 kwsjack 2011-10-4 206445 222222 2017-2-10 12:47:55
master pyraminx attachment agree  ...2 kwsjack 2011-9-17 124544 222222 2017-2-10 12:45:44
只有1個圓圈的super 3x3x3 attachment agree  ...2 kwsjack 2011-6-4 195289 222222 2017-2-10 00:29:09
master skewb diamond attachment digest agree  ...2 kwsjack 2011-5-20 189377 222222 2017-2-10 00:23:58
Master Skewb 改造菱形12面體 attachment agree  ...2 kwsjack 2011-5-4 155413 222222 2017-2-10 00:21:19
Gigaminx貼紙改裝 attachment agree  ...23 kwsjack 2011-4-15 251687093 222222 2017-2-10 00:18:13
Axis 家族 attachment agree  ...23 kwsjack 2011-4-5 204053205 222222 2017-2-10 00:10:39


GMT+8, 2025-2-22 14:42

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