1. 本版块仅为提供给各厂家发布新品消息的一个平台,如果您认为有产品侵犯您的专利、商标等行为,请联系版主或管理员协助封帖或删帖;
a. This section is for information of new products from manufacturers. Should there be any infringe on your patent(s) or trademark(s), please contact the administrators.
2. 发布人应为所发布产品的专利的法律状态负责,如产品涉及到版权方面的法律纠纷,一切由发布者自行处理,本论坛不附带任何法律责任;
b. Please post your topic under legal responsibility. Should there be any legal dispute arise from any topic, the user who posted such topic shall be responsible for such dispute and all consequence thereof, and this forum shall NOT be reliable for such dispute or consequence.
3. 发布人应保证发布的帖子内容真实可靠,发布的产品请如实报道产品的相关信息,帖子的内容也不代表本论坛观点;
c. Announcements, product information should be guaranteed to be actual and as is. Contents of any or all posts do not present this forum's view in any way.
4. 对于涉及到版权纠纷问题的帖子,以及内容弄虚作假欺骗各消费者的帖子,论坛管理员有权在不通知发布者的情况下,自行处理;
d. Should there be any topic with infringement or deceit, the administrators have rights to remove such topic without any notice.
5. 对于发布产品有版权方面的疑问可以在本区讨论;
e. You can post your topic if you have any question about the intellectual property.
6. 不欢迎任何实体店或网店的宣传,如发现立即删除。
f. NO advertisement of any actual or virtual store is allowed. All such advertisements will be removed if found.