We just proved that all positions of Rubik's cube can be solved in 22 or fewer face turns. (The link is to the proof of 25; the proof of 22 is essentially the same with just a lot of sets solved.) A nice article reporting this result is in the August 6th issue of New Scientist. This proof was made possible by the generous contribution of CPU time from Sony Pictures Imageworks with the help of John Welborn, on the same machines used for movies such as Spider-Man 3 and Surf's Up. I'm currently working on 21. 我们已经证明了所有打乱状态的魔方都可以在22步或者更少的步数内还原。(这个链接是证明最少25步的;但是最少22步的证明原理是基本相同的,只是需要大量的还原设置。)在8月6日发行的《新科学家》上有一篇很好的文章已经对这一结果作出了陈述。这次证明得以成功,很大程度上得益于索尼图形图像运作公司以及约翰·韦伯提供的CPU time的慷慨援助,该机器还曾用于许多电影诸如《蜘蛛侠3》和《冲浪企鹅》的制作。目前我正在研究最少21步的证明。 |