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step 1. 3/4面
step 2. 完成剩下的1/4面, 同時完成OLL
step 3. PBL
PBL公式量少, 步數少
除了CLL和EG系統外, 大部分的2x2x2解法都是在PBL之前的部分下功夫
(eg. Ortega, Guimond, OFOTA, SS, G-FASSST)
step 1: 0 (intuitive)
step 2: 103 (扣掉鏡射後為55)
step 3: 5
3/4面完成┬──>最後1/4在底層┬──>0度───>7 algs (這條就是所謂的Ortega)
│ │
│ │
│ ├──>+120度───>8 algs ─┐
│ │ ├(Guimond的16種
│ │ │ cases)
│ └──>-120度───>8 algs ─┘
│ (底層最後一角)
└──>最後1/4在頂層┬──>0度───>7x4-2=26 algs
│ ╴╴
│ (-2是因為 □□ )
│ □□
│  ̄ ̄
├──>+120度───>8x4-2-3=27 algs
│ ╴ ╴
│ (-2是因為 ■□ -3是因為 □□︳)
│ □■ |□□
│  ̄  ̄
└──>-120度───>8x4-2-3=27 algs
╴ ╴
(-2是因為 □■ -3是因為 |□□ )
■□ □□︳
 ̄  ̄
(23.39 KB, 下载次数: 583)
Stern-Sun Method
Note: There has been some controversy over the naming conventions. ErikAkkersdijk has objected to the name "SS" because it excludes anyauthorship he had with the method and its World War II connotations.Unfortunately, we could not convince the public enough to refer to themethod as "LP" or any other name, so it seems "Stern-Sun" sticks.
In August 2007, I started learning the Guimond method and startedaveraging 5-6 seconds with the method (check out my results at theGuangdong Open 2007 and Beijing Open 2007). At some point I decidedthat a bit of optimization would be useful. For those not familiar withthe Guimond method, the first (or some call "zeroth") step involvescreating 3/4 of a face of opposite colors (in the standard BOY colorscheme, white-yellow, for example). My optimization considered eightcases that fell under what would become a subset of Stern-Sun. Thiscase involved 3/4 of a face and the fourth piece on the same layer butoriented incorrectly. I generated some algorithms for those cases, butnever learned them.
Some time in Fall 2007, Mitchell Stern posted on TwistyPuzzles sayingthat he had a "secret" 2x2x2 method as some sort of optimization forOrtega (told to him by Erik Akkersdijk, but for historical and namingreasons (ASS method?), we leave his name out). Here is the exactmessage as communicated over MSN:
"1) get 3 colors of a face (not layer), and make sure that the last piece for the face isn't on the same layer (1-2 moves)"
I looked and that and thought the only missing part is my ownoptimization (and of course the trivial easy faces for Ortega method).After deciding that we'll learn this in the future, we had split offfrom there in style of generating algorithms.
Mitchell used Ksolve and I used Ron's MiniCube Applet to generatealgorithms. For him, cases were categorized through the orientation ofthe fourth piece. As seen on my site, I divided them by the orientationof the 2nd face as a whole. In my opinion, this is a superior methodfor categorization, as recognition only requires one "look." Mitchellgot lazy (schoolwork, I mean) and never learned the method untilrecently (Summer '08) while I went ahead and learned it over the spanof four months (I suppose it's possible to learn in under a month).
Step 1: 3/4 Face
The trivial part. I believe this step takes 0-2 moves, and about 1 moveon average. If you want to be fast, you need to be able to see ahead tothe next step and perhaps even part of Step 3. Unlike Guimond, don'tworry about the 4th corner's orientation: all the cases are accountedfor in the next step. According to Bruce Norskog, this step actuallyranges from 0-3 moves and averages 0.8 moves. Thanks Bruce!
Step 2: Last Piece + Orientation
The daunting part. The algorithms aren't nearly as long as LucasGarron's CLS algorithms. This step's algorithms are surprisingly shortand/or fast and range from 3-7 moves. Some are two-generator, meaningthey only use two faces. These "2-gen" algs are usually the fastest.Note that in the page with all the algorithms, the fourth corner is atthe DLF slot, and there are no symmetry algorithms listed. If I didn'tlearn separate algorithms, you don't need to, either.
List of Algorithms
Step 3: Permute by Layer
This is a dumb step you can read all about on pages detailing the Guimond or Ortega method. Go find them yourself.
In August 2007, I started learning the Guimond method and startedaveraging 5-6 seconds with the method (check out my results at theGuangdong Open 2007 and Beijing Open 2007). At some point I decidedthat a bit of optimization would be useful. For those not familiar withthe Guimond method, the first (or some call "zeroth") step involvescreating 3/4 of a face of opposite colors (in the standard BOY colorscheme, white-yellow, for example). My optimization considered eightcases that fell under what would become a subset of Stern-Sun. Thiscase involved 3/4 of a face and the fourth piece on the same layer butoriented incorrectly. I generated some algorithms for those cases, butnever learned them.
注:版权归Stern、Sun所有 Sebastian Pino Castillo Stern整理
[ 本帖最后由 jacksj 于 2009-8-20 20:27 编辑 ] |
总评分: 经验 + 5